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         Garden Rules

Garden Availability:                     

     Gardening season is April 1 – November 15

     School Days:  Before 8:30am or after 4:00pm            Non-School Days:  Sunup - Sundown


Garden Rules:


  1. Garden hours are posted and each gardener is expected to adhere to those hours.

  2. Plots are to be planted by July 1st and cleared out by November 15th.

  3. Plot fees enable the gardener to garden in their designated plot for a single growing season.

  4. Access to water is provided. Plots will be watered according to water-wise guidelines.  If a gardener uses more than the recommended amount of water, a fee will be charged to cover the cost of the additional water.

  5. Garden lock combinations will be issued to each gardener; it is the responsibility of each gardener to safeguard these codes and to not share them with others. 

  6. If a plot must be abandoned for any reason, the garden leaders are to be notified.

  7. Gardeners are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plots.  Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other gardening maintenance are all the responsibility of the gardener.

  8. All paths bordering the gardener's plot must be kept clear at all times.

  9. If a plot becomes unkempt, a two-week notice to clean it up will be issued. If action has not been taken after two weeks, the plot will be considered abandoned and the plot fee and any produce in the garden will be forfeited.  Additionally, the plot may be re-assigned.

  10. There are volunteer activities associated with community gardens and gardeners are expected to volunteer when activities are posted.

  11. Structures, fences, trellises and tall plants should only be installed if they do not shade neighboring plots.

  12. Gardeners should be present when watering their plots.

  13. Hoses and tools are to be returned to the proper storage locations before a gardener leaves the garden,

  14. Garden waste should be removed from the garden after every visit. Enclosed composting systems can only be used within the garden plot.

  15. Diseased or insect infested plants must be removed from the garden with each visit.

  16. Gardeners should only harvest their own crops unless given permission by another gardener.

  17. Pets are not allowed at the garden.

  18. Children and visitors are permitted and encouraged to come to the garden if the plot user is present and the children are supervised.

  19. Alcohol, drugs, smoking, firearms or other explosives are expressly prohibited.

  20. Trees, shrubs, or illegal plants will not be planted in the garden plots.

  21. If damage or an accident occurs, garden leaders should be notified within 24 hours

  22. Fellow gardeners and volunteers should be treated with courtesy and respect. The community garden should be a happy, secure, and enjoyable place where all participants can garden and socialize peacefully in a neighborly manner.

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